Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Sun Going Down In Ukraine

Well they don't come any worse managed than this project in the oil and gas industry. As you can see the sun setting in the background of a Wireline rig up, about to perform a well intervention, which is quite appropriate for this photo. As the sun goes down on this Wireline crew so is this whole project. Millions of $$ spent and no returns from produced condensate, or gas. They have probably been drilling in the wrong spot and realized this until just recently!! You know what a lot of these post Soviet era companies are like when it comes to telling the truth about what's really going on in both the development of the field and the production levels or well kinda? Well I know this company got badly burned when they brought in a new seismic company to do their survey when they first started out with their new exciting venture in Ukraine. This has got to be one of the biggest mistakes I have ever seen when it comes to this industry when it comes to exploration or development, although there are always plenty of companies going around that make terrible judgements all the time, just look at BP in the Gulf of Mexico. I had better not say to much about this one, just in case people read this and pick me up the wrong way.
You see, that's the beauty about working in the oil and gas industry, you get to see all the major mistakes made and how the wrong people can manage things so wrong. This field was such a great shame because under better management this field would have had so much potential and still does have, so much potential, but! Yes there's always a but!!! It's unforunate for the compnay involved here that they ran their budget down so quickly without thinking things over before jumping into anything. But anyhow, they will survive and continue with their business or end up being bought over by someone else.
So, anyone out there who wants to work in this industry, do your homework on any potential employer before you go jumping in there. Even if it is one of the worlds great major's, as they call them. Even seasoned experienced people like myself often take on the wrong jobs just at the wrong time but however, we always survive! Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oil and Gas Jobs

Are you thinking about taking up employment in the Oil and Gas Industry? Are you looking for oil and gas jobs? Before you go ahead and take up any oil and gas jobs whether its with a service company or an oil and gas company, its important to know what kind of job will be suited to you. More importantly, make sure you do your homework and do a little bit of research to get to know the industry. People ask me questions all the time about oil and gas jobs and how they go about getting into the industry. Here are some of the most common questions asked.

Q. What education level do I need to for oil and gas jobs?

A. Well, that all depends on the type of discipline you want to enter. Lots of service companies ask for a Bacheolors Degree or the equivelent of but I think its very hard to come across that level for entry. I think a good sound High School education should be sufficient for most service companies or Drilling companies for oil and gas jobs. Maybe at the higher end of the scale in the corporate oil companies the a University background would be desirable.

Q. Should I do my off-shore survival before applying for a job?

A. Quite simply no. If a company is hiring people and you dont have the relevant off-shore certificates then the company will pay to have you trained before going off-shore. They will also train you in your specific discipline.

Q. How much will I earn starting out?

A. Starting out with no experienc that could be anything up to $48,000 per year. But its well worth hanging around to get the experience and your salary will increase according to ability and level of experience.

Its good to do some research on what you want to do. For myself I started out in the Oil Field Service comapny side of life as a Wireline operator. For me this is one of the better disciplines within the industry as the natural progression is to move into a higher position representing the operationg company i.e oil campany.
If you are willing to work hard and love travel then this would be the ideal job for you.